Author: coen

Teaching Python

Teaching Python

Recently Learning Tree, a well-respected training company, invited me to teach Python for them. Last week I delivered my first course for them, their Advanced Python course A room full of people, nearly 500...

A couple of Python coding dojo’s

As Joe Wright puts it A Coding Dojo is a programming session based around a simple coding challenge. Programmers of different skill levels are invited to engage in deliberate practice as equals. The goal...

Bottle – Python micro framework

Bottle – Python micro framework

Like Flask, Bottle is a Python micro-framework. It is so micro that it only consists of a single file. Whilst Flask is already a fairly small framework, some developers prefer Bottle, mainly for its...

Simple websocket client in Python

Simple websocket client in Python

If you’re developing a websocket app you may need to throw some tests at it. Whilst looking for a websocket client I came across this client,  which makes it very easy to generate websocket...

Administrate Project – Technical Project Manager

The client, a highly respected training company, was using an in-house developed system to manage the courses, bookings, delegates, and sales and marketing processes. When the business outgrew the system they asked me to...

Django Migrations

Django Migrations

Django has a great system for maintaining your database structure, for keeping your RDMS (typically MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite) in line with your Django-defined Models, and within your version control system. I recently hit...

Django – a very simple unit test

Django – a very simple unit test

Test Driven Development (TDD) is a methodology for developing programs where you first write the test, and then write just enough code to make your program pass all tests TDD makes it far less...